We all say we want to eat healthier and go the natural food route you know for all the health benefits and stuff, but then we start coming up with all these excuses about it being too expensive or you don’t have the time to scour the whole foods storeā¦ You get my point, we get busy and lazy. Well here are some healthy natural foods that take less than no time, and will guarantee you’ll see results!
Healthy Natural Food
*Kale, Lettuce’s better cousin, and salads best friend, has to be one of the most amazing healthy natural foods there is. It’s that dark leafy stuff that looks like more textured and flamboyant lettuce. Kale is loaded to the almost bursting with the best of the best nutrients and vitamins. Here is a brief summary of vitamins and other stuff; vitamins A, E, C, and magnesium, calcium, potassium, zinc, and iron! A quick beauty side note, vitamin E is a key ingredient in repairing skin and maintaining overall beautiful skin. Kale= amazing.
*Yogurt, that’s right good ole yogurt, is amazing for you inside and out. I actually heard about the benefits of yogurt from a lady I met last week who works in spa and skincare. I was venting about my problems with acne and she said I absolutely need to go and get some pure yogurt, here is why. Yogurt is filled with probiotics/good bacteria, both of which are essential for your body’s health.
*Cherries are known as the super fruits of superfruits and are justly named I may say. Do not think I mean the cherries the come in jars and top your sundaes and ice cream, no I mean the naturally grown goodness cherries. Alright let us begin with the benefits of our red little friends, a cup of cherries contains; 3 grams of fiber, 1 gram of protein, 87 calories, vitamins A, C, E, potassium, magnesium, and iron. Cherries have been proven to fight diabetes, aid in weight loss, and improve brain function. Love me some cherries.
You guys these are just a few of the many healthy natural foods out there, and they can be purchased just about anywhere. You may have to go to whole food stores, natural food markets, or your backyard, but it’s worth it. Eating healthy natural foods is a great way to jump-start your health and improve your everyday life so why not go to your natural foods stores in Orlando and try it. Well, good luck and good living love y’all!